Thursday, November 18, 2010

A little bit of this and a little bit of that....

My dear little blog, I've totally been neglecting you! Alot has happened in the past month! We've had birth's and birthdays, Halloween, baby shower's and so much more!

Halloween was a blast! I was so lucky to get off work for a few hours to take the kids trick or treating this year! Aubrey was the cutest little Peanut and Ben was Woody! They both had a blast and got buckets full of candy! Yumm-O!

Some of our friends recently welcomed their first little boy Tripp into the world and then another of our friends recently found out they're expecting #2! We are so happy for both of them, and hope that we are joining them again soon! :)

Work has been CRAZY lately!! We have gone from being full to capacity one night to not having a single birth the next night! It's nice for the little break, but then it get's balls to the wall busy in no time!

School is finally almost over for this semester! I cant wait to have a little break with nothing to do! :) I'm super nervous for my Final, but I'm hoping to kick ass on it and bring my grade up even more!!

There's only 37 days until CHRISTMAS!! I cant believe it! Thanksgiving is exactly a week away! This year has FLOWN by! I'm happy to say that I'm almost completely done with Christmas shopping, but there's still a few things on my list I'm hoping to get on Black Friday! I really hope they have some good deals again this year!

Well, it's time to go to bed now! I'm completely exhausted and getting sick! UGH! Hoping to nip it in the butt before it gets too bad! :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's been awhile since I've written! I dont know how some people do it! I cant find the time to get on here everyday, although I would LOVE to, it just doesnt always happen! Maybe one day....

Lets see here, Ben finally took a good picture! He did his school pics and it made me want to cry when I saw them! They look so good and he looks so grown up! :) Now if only he would act that way we would be good! He's getting better most days, but he's just worn out from school (even tho he's in bed by 8!) and he's over tired. Next year is going to be a wake up call for all of us I think! So, Ben is insisting that he wants a telescope for Christmas! I'm kinda on the fence about it tho, bc IDK if he's really old enough to grasp the concept and he doesnt really care for his toys so I'm afraid of it getting broken. Tim thinks it's a great idea tho, so we will probably end up getting it for him.

Aubrey is 18 mths already! I cant believe it! She's growing like a weed!! She's doing good in daycare, but I cant wait until next August when I can switch her schools! It's so expensive where she is, but she does love it there! We are going to the cranio-facial surgeon on Nov 3rd and they will evaluate her palsy and decide if we need to undergo surgery or what not. (I'm praying we dont, atleast not yet!) I'm kinda stumped as to what to get her for Christmas! She's getting into baby dolls so we will probably get her a nursery set with a pack and play, stroller and swing/highchair.

I need all the prayers and BFP vibes possible right now! I'm really hoping that this is our month and we get a BFP! If we do, my EDD would be either June 30 or July 1st. The middle of summer, but that's perfectly ok with me!! It will give me a reason to not leave the house! :) I'm really hoping it doesnt take us 7 months to get pregnant again!! :( It's so hard seeing all my friends get pregnant and then seeing all the women on L&D that abuse and take their pregnancy forgranted! I know my time will come, I'm just not the most patient person in the world...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall you have arrived! (well sorta!)

Its finally the first day of FALL!! My favorite time of year! All the scents, the cooler weather, HALLOWEEN, and the food! Ahh, aside from Christmas, nothing beats the fall! :) My FAV scent, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, is back at Bath and Body Works so I'm using it everywhere!!

I'm really looking forward to Halloween this year and taking the kids Trick-or-Treating! I'm thinking Aubrey might be a peanut for Halloween, but I have no clue about Ben yet! He will probably want to be Buzz or Woody until we get to the store and then it will totally change from there!

I'm hoping by Thanksgiving, we will be able to annouce that we are expecting again! Although, I will probably be a little leary until I'm out of the 1st trimester this time. We were at Kristen and Jimmy's baby shower this past weekend, and Nicole and I got to catch up! I'm excited that they are trying again too! It would be awesome if we were pregnant again together! And even better if we are due around the same time! :) I love having preggo buddies!!

I got some disappointing news from school last week. Well for me it was disappointing atleast!! I'm not getting a refund for my financial aid like I thought I was! It really sucks bc we were kind of depending on that money to pay down my DR bill and a put the rest in savings. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. We are just trying to cut corners and save money as best as we can...although, I will probably need to cut up my debit card!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What a week!!!

We are almost through with the 1st week of school! Ben has done pretty good so far! He cried today when I dropped him off, but surprisingly he didnt on the first day! Go figure! :) I pretty much had to run out on Tuesday because all the moms and most of the dad's we're bawling their eyes out! Wow that was rough!! I was surprised I didnt cry! I did get a little teary eyed tho!

Aubrey started "school" on Tuesday as well! She was fine when I left her, and actually didnt even realize I left because there we're tons of kids and toys for her to play with! She was very happy to see me tho! Some how they ended up loosing her sippy cup on the first day! She probably threw it away tho! When I dropped her off today, she cried and did not want me to leave! They said she was fine tho shortly after I left. They also said that a little boy fell and was crying and Aubrey went and patted his back and gave him a kiss! :) She's so sweet! She's friended one of the little girls there Annika! They said that the two of them we're inseparable today! I'm so glad she's doing good and making friends there! It makes it so much easier!!

Tomorrow will be 5 weeks since my D&C! I cant believe its already been that long! It seems like just yesterday at times, but then forever ago too! I had my hcg level drawn at work on Sunday and it was 29. I called Dr. Garas to see if he would do another on Wednesday and he did, it was 20.6. So they are falling, just not fast enough!! I'm so ready to be back in the TTC game! I wish I knew how to get the rest of it out of my system like NOW!! I know, I know, patience is a virtue!! It will happen when it's ready! Not when I'm ready!!! Grr!!

I guess now is as good as a time as any to go ahead and start working out or doing something to get rid of my flab!! I'm thinking I'm going to start doing a crunches routine and I want to try that Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy! Maybe I can make that my muse! 12 weeks of crunches along with 12 weeks of Mederma?! Sounds like a plan to me!! Until we meet again....

Friday, August 20, 2010

Confusion, nervous, and a ball of emotions...

I have been a ball of emotions all week! We decided that Aubrey needed to go to daycare 2 days a week bc of my school and my sister couldnt babysit her. I'm so scared to leave my baby girl!! She starts on Tuesday! I'm going to cry so hard!! Hopefully I will make it out of the building first! Then after I take her I get to come home and get Ben ready for his 1st day of school as well! Talk about a double whammy!! Hopefully I'll be able to stop crying and focus on my first day back to school! My first class starts at 11a so hopefully I'll be somewhat calmed down by then! I just cant believe my babies are growing up so fast! I'm going to upload some pics of them on their first day of school!! I did get them each a new outfit to wear and today Ben picked out his backpack! He was really disappointed when Target didnt have a Car's backpack!! But I saved the day when I found a Batman one buried behind a bunch of Transformers! And to complete it, he got a Scooby Doo lunch box! An odd combo, but he's happy and that means I'm happy!! :)

Well, today is 1 month since we lost our LoveBug! I cant believe it's already been that long!! Most days, it seems like just yesterday, but then sometimes it seems like forever ago! I really want to get a necklace or something with everyone's birth stones on it, but I want something I can add to, for when we do add to our family! On that note, I think I might be pregnant again! I was kind of sporadically testing here and there waiting to get a BFN so I would no when my horomones we're down and when I could finally expect my AF, and I finally got that BFN! Well, since we were uh cleared to uh "get down to business" (as the OB put it!) we did and I figured what the hell, I'll test just for shits and giggles! Well imagine my surprise, when I see a faint 2nd line! I'm literally still in shock! IDK if I should believe it or not. I'm scared to get excited, but I hate the not knowing for sure! Why does this have to be so complicated and confusing?! I may see if someone will draw my levels at work tomorrow night and then maybe again next weekend to see what they are and if they have gone up or anything. I'm hoping to come back and post that I am indeed pregnant again! It would make for a busy May if I truely am!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The All Clear, sickness, and the trials of parenthood...

Where should I start?! Yesterday, we got the "all clear" to start TTC again! Or as my OB put it, get back down to business! LOL I must say I love my OB! The pathology results were kinda what I expected, but also a little surprising as well! They showed no fetal parts, but came back normal, as in it was a fluke and not my Lupus that caused the miscarriage. I didn't get what he meant by no fetal parts, but he explained that my body had already started reabsorbing the baby after it's heart stopped beating. I'm very relieved that my lupus didn't cause the miscarriage, but I'm sad that we will probably never no either. But, we're looking forward to trying again and having a successful pregnancy!

After the good news at the DR yesterday, Aubrey started running a high fever. :( She didn't really feel warm until we were getting her ready for bed. When I checked her temp it was 102.3*F!! Not cool! So I went to bed around 10 and then Aubrey was up a little before 1a with a fever over 103*F! Yea, umm...way to go Tylenol!! You're supposed to make the temp go DOWN not UP!! So we hang out in the living room and I catch up on some shows thinking "ok, she'll be ready for bed in like an hour max"! Yea right!! We didn't fall asleep until 530a!! Then she was up at 645a, so it was now daddy duty time! My little peanut is still running a low grade fever! :( I hope it breaks soon and we can have a nice restful night!!

Although Aubrey is not feeling up to par, it hasn't stopped her from picking on her brother!! It never ceases to amaze me with the 2 of them! They can be playing so good together 1 minute and the next they're smacking each other and fighting like pitbulls!! Makes me want to rip my hair out at times! Then of course Ben will tell me he loves me and Aubrey will come give me a kiss and all is forgiven! (at least for the time being!!) I wouldn't change it for anything!

The countdown to school starting has officially begun!! T minus 13 days! I'm super nervous for Ben, but I'm also nervous at starting at a new school!! I knew my way around PSC and now I'm starting all over again! It freaks me out just a little bit, but I think it will be good!! Who knows, I may even switch back to PSC for their Nursing program, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there!

Have you ever wondered what if.....? I'm extremely happy that I chose a career in the medical field, but at the same time lately I've been wondering what if I would've gone to med school right out of high school? Or what if I would've taken my scholarships to Johnson and Wales and gone into the Culinary Field?! I know I wouldn't have my hubs and my small people, bc I doubt me the hubs would've probably never met. I definitely wouldn't change anything, but I do have those "what if" moments, especially when watching shows like Boston Med or Hell's Kitchen! I would love to move away and get a job as Mass General or the Brigham or HUP! I just don't no if I'm ready to leave FL and all my family. I hate this crappy heat and humidity, but I'm not sure how well I would fair in the snow! Well enough debbie downer crap and what ifs, now I'm just trying to find a way to convince Tim audition for Hell's Kitchen! Although, I would've loved for him to be on this past season's and had the chance at moving to London to work at the Savoy!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

1 week...and so on...

It's been 1 week since the D&C. I'm not sure how I expected to feel, but I'm feeling pretty good. I miss being pregnant and now I desperately want to be again. I want that big ol' belly and to feel my little one playing the bongos on my organs! I never realized just how much I wanted our little baby. Dont get me wrong, I was estatic to be pregnant and couldnt wait until February, but I think part of me also took the pregnancy foregranted and I personally never, ever thought I would have a miscarriage. I definately have a new perspective and outlook on pregnancy and miscarriage now.

With everything that has gone on this past week, it's really got me thinking about how much I cant wait to finish school!! I want to be a nurse so bad now it's not even funny! I'm going up to school on Monday morning (straight from work!) to talk to a counselor again about my financial aid and I may talk to a counselor about what all I will need for my BSN. If I can knock out some of those courses while I'm waiting to get into the nursing program then I will definately do it!! It's seriously time I got serious about school and finishing my degree!! I've been thinking about how much I would LOVE to be a DR, but with the amount of schooling I probably wouldnt even graduate until I was atleast 35!! I would want to specialize in OB/GYN maybe even MFM. (maternal fetal medicine) But I think I've come to the conclusion that I want to become a CNM, Certified Nurse Midwife. I know there is an online program where they team you up with a midwife in your area to do all of your clinicals with, but I've also been looking in to maybe applying to UF for their program! How cool would it be to do clinicals and work at Shands?! After graduation, I would consider moving back here or maybe the Orlando area and working at Winnie Palmer. (If they use CNM's, not sure about that!) Also, there's been a rumor that maybe Watson Clinic is going to start using CNM's as well, to help relieve some of the patient load from the OB's, especially since Dr B has officially retired. I think it would be awesome to work with them! WOW! Enough about school already!

I cant believe how big Aubrey is getting!! Her vocabulary is rapidly expanding and she's definately got a little bit of a temper! (Ok, more than a little bit!) She loves the words "cookie", "ouch", and now "bubba"! It's so cute watching her run around screaming bubba bubba!! Ben doesnt particularly like it, as he thinks she's calling him a baby! :) I cant believe he is about to start Pre-K! He's getting more and more excited about it! I'm a little worried tho, as we have completely spoiled him rotten so he likes to take advantage of us and pretty much whoever he can. We've been having a few attitude problems and listening problems with him lately, but he is only 4, so some of it's to be expected. Seriously tho, no book in the world can actually prepare you for parenting and how bad you may or may not screw up at times! I guess you live and you learn and pray you all make it through the day alive! :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The last few days....

This week definately did not start as a good one. We decided that I should go ahead and have the D&C. I called Thursday to set everything up and was extremely surprised when I got a call back saying that I was scheduled for Friday morning at 8a! I was hoping to wait until after the weekend since it's Ben's birthday weekend. I also had to work Thursday night! I ended up getting off at 530a and going and checking in for surgery downstairs. They were running behind or just taking their sweet ol' time, so I didnt get to pre-op until like 645 and they we're already trying to take me to PACU holding! I got to PACU holding around 715 and just hung out there until almost 8 or maybe a little after. Then they wheeled me into the OR, wide AWAKE!! It wasnt as scary as I thought it would be and I was out shortly after that. I was out of the OR around 9 and awake shortly after that. We left the hospital around 11a and I was feeling good, no cramping or pain, just STARVING!! We made it home around 12p after we stopped for food. I went back to bed probably around 1230p and then got up at 230p when the kids came home. I'm still feeling pretty good, just a little crampy here and there. I'm glad it's over with tho. And it wasnt as bad as I expected. I was expecting alot of bleeding and cramping and pain.

Ben's 4th Birthday party was today! He had a blast at Chuck E Cheese! He got so many new toys that we werent sure everything was going fit in the car! Luckily, everything fit! Tim's brother Johnny, got Ben a drum set! Thankfully its an electric one and not very loud! He got tons of Toy Story stuff, a shaving kit, and some pretty cool monster trucks! He also got his Kung Zhu hamster and some battle gear for it and his Pillow Pet frog! They have a ticket blaster there for the birthday kids and I thought he was going to freak out at first, but he LOVED it!! He was having so much fun jumping around and spinning in it! He did get 2 200 ticket vouchers as well!! He ended up with over 700 tickets to cash in! Like he needed more toys! We had a great turn out and I know he had a blast! He passed out in the car on the way home! :) Aubrey even played some games and won 40 tickets (with a little help!) for her to get some prizes! Now I definately think that we are going to have to go through and donate a bunch of stuff just to make room for everything he got today! Tomorrow is his actual birthday so hopefully we can still do something a little fun! I have to work, but maybe we can go out to breakfast or something! Here's a couple pics from the party!!
Here's Ben and Chuck E! And Ben stuffing his face with pizza!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The worst day of my life, so far....

I went to the DR today to have an ultrasound because I've had some cramping. Our little baby no longer had a heartbeat. I'm absolutely crushed! :( I have a mix of emotions flooding through me right now and I'm a total wreck. This is definately not what I wanted to hear 4 days before Ben's birthday. I hope and pray that we can get through this and one day hold our 3rd little baby in our arms...

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's just one of those days...

Today has just been one of those days! It's barely even 1/2 over and I already cant wait for bedtime!! 2 crabby kids plus one stressed out, ticked off mom is not a good combo! I'm a little frustrated with school right now! (Ok, more than a little!!) My financial aid paperwork seems NEVERENDING!! I've filled out everything they told me to and turned everything in, met with the counselors and they told me I was good to go! Umm...yea right! I get an email from them saying that I'm missing some paperwork. Mind you, this is paperwork I've already filled out (with their help!) and turned in and now I have to do it all over! is driving me MAD!! I just want to finish my degree and be done with it!

On a happy note, we are already 1/2 way through July! This year is FLYING by! I'm excited for Ben's party in 2 weeks, but a little disappointed at the fact that a good friend hasnt RSVP'd or anything yet. :( I hope we have a decent turn out still tho so he wont be disappointed.

My next OB appt is Aug 4th and I'm excited but nervous as well!! I'm hoping that he does another u/s so we can get a better pic of our little nugget! And I'm very anxious to find out if we're having another boy or girl!

Friday, July 9, 2010

We have a heartbeat!!!

Yesterday, July 8th, 2010, was my first OB appt!! We got to see our little bean and the heartbeat!! The heartbeat was very strong at 186 bpm!! Dr. G said everything looked great and our little bean was right on target! He did change my due date to 2.12.11 from what I calculated at 2.8.11, bc he's going on a 28 day cycle instead of my 24 day cycle. But he said we can always re-evaluate later! I'm definately ready for the next appt and I hope we get to do another u/s to see how much bigger the baby is! We go back on August 5th! I cant wait!! I am really excited to find out the sex of the baby and start decorating!! I've already picked out bedding for either a boy or girl and a carseat for a boy! (we will reuse Aubrey's pink carseat for a girl!)

I'm definately looking forward to getting out of the 1st trimester!! The morning sickness, constant tiredness, and mood swings really suck! I cant believe we're already almost 1/2 way through July!! This year is flying by!!

Ben will be 4 in just 16 days! I cant believe it's already been 4 years since my little man was born! It just doesnt seem at all possible! He's growing up so fast and he's starting Pre-K in August!! I'm so ready to start school shopping for him and letting him pick out his backpack and school stuff!

Aubrey had her 15 month well check up on Tuesday and all is good!! She's still petite at 21lbs 3.5oz, but she's 30in tall and has a big ol' noggin!! (just like her brother!) She's getting so big and she's learning new things everyday! I cant believe how well she listens! I hope it sticks! :)

Tim could possibly transfered up to either Pennsylvania or New Jersey with his job. I'm kind of nervous about this! We want to move eventually and I think it will be an exciting adventure, but I'm super nervous at the thought of moving away from everyone while I'm pregnant! And it means having to find a new job for me and get new insurance, plus re-enroll in school somewhere and find somewhere else to live! It's a little overwhelming, but I know everything is going to work out for the best!

My camera is broke so I cant really take any pics unless they are on my phone, so here is a pic of my belly at 8w3d!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer has arrived!

Yesterday was the first day of summer! Eventhough, it's felt like summer has been here for months already! The summer rains have arrived and will hopefully hang out for a little while! I hope the heat subsides just a little bit anyway!

There hasnt really been any changes around here lately. I'm 7wks pregnant today and found out from that our little baby is now the size of a blueberry! Makes me think twice about eating blueberries now! :) My stomach is already starting to pooch and it's going to be harder and harder to hide! Only 2 more weeks and hopefully we can shout the news! :) I've been pretty sick with this little one! Thankfully I got some Zofran to help with the nausea!

I cant believe that Ben will be 4 years old next month! It's crazy how fast time has flown by!! Were having his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and he's really excited about that! As am I, bc I wont have a mess to clean up! I can't believe he starts preschool in August!! I'm a little anxious for that, but excited as well!

Aubrey is growing like a weed!! She's running around everywhere now! Her vocabulary is rapidly expanding and she's learning a ton of new stuff everyday! She also has found her love for the pool! She's definately a little water baby!

I cant wait to finish school!! I was really hoping to have it all done before Ben started school, but that's not going to happen and I know its my fault for putting it on hold too many times! :( As soon as I'm finished with school, we are planning to move up to Pennsylvania! I cant wait!! We've looked at houses here and there and have found a couple we've fell in love with! It just stinks that it's not the right time for us! Oh well, I know the time will be here before we know it! We're hoping to take a vacation up there next summer and take the kids to the Jersey Shore and up to NYC! Here's to hoping this next year flies by!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New changes are coming!!

We have new changes coming in 2011!! We're expecting our 3rd baby Feb. 8, 2011!! Right now, I'm 5 weeks exactly! I'm a little nervous right now though! I dont get to go to the dr until I'm 9w2d!! I go for my first appt. July 8th! We're both really excited and cant wait to find out if we're having a boy or girl! I would LOVE to have another girl! Another boy wouldnt be so bad either tho! As long as we have a happy and healthy little baby it's all good!!

Right now, we've (or I have!) nicknamed the baby "Cletus the Fetus"! Once we find out the sex, we will start calling the baby by his or her name! :) I have a couple names picked out so far, but we havent really talked about names because Tim doesnt want to until we hear the heartbeat! For a boy, I like Coen Shea and for a girl, I like Madalyn Grace!

I'm alittle nervous about Aubrey even being 2yrs old when this little one comes along, but I think it will work out good and they will be great friends! I'm hoping to start blogging atleast 1x a week to document my pregnancy and I really want to get the book called "The Belly Book," it's a week by week pregnancy journal!

I think we're going to break the official news to everyone once I have my appt, hear/see the heartbeat and get my official due date! I'm so excited and I cant wait!! I hope the next 4 weeks go by extremely quick!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's been awhile...

It has been over a month since I blogged!! So far, I'm having a little bit of trouble keeping up with my New Year's Resolution of blogging! So far this month, we have done a ton! We got Ben all registered for Pre-K, (I cant believe he's about to start school!!) we celebrated my 24th Birthday and Mother's Day, and Ben had his last t-ball event!

Ben had SO much fun playing T-Ball and we cant wait for fall ball to start! On Friday, May 21st, we went to the Lakeland Flying Tigers vs the Saint Lucie Mets game and all the little t-ball players got to go out on the field with their own "big" player! It was so cool seeing all the little kids out there with the big guys!! Ben had so much fun! They got to stand out there and do the National Anthem and chat it up! Ben was on 1st base with Rawley Shipp (I believe that was his name!) and he's still talking about it a week later! :) We also found out that one of his fellow t-ball players and him will be going to preschool together! Atleast he will know 1 person!

Aubrey is pretty much running now! She just goes and goes and goes! She showed us up last night and proved me wrong that she could drink from a straw! She thought it was funny and started laughing! I cant believe how fast she's growing up and how big she's getting! We went and saw her neurologist on Tuesday and she said that she really thinks it would be beneficial if we saw the Craniofacial surgeon about her palsy. It took everything in me not to burst into tears, because I really didnt want to resort to this just yet, but she thinks he might be able to give us a little more insight as to whats going on and if we need to change our plan of care. My worst fear is that they are going to recommend that she have surgery! They said it would probably be 3-4 months before we can get an appt., so I will atleast have time to let it all sink in.

I cant believe it's already almost June!! It seems like it was just New Years! This year is FLYING by!! I cant believe that Tim and I are about to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary! It seems like just yesterday! Where does the time go?!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So far this April...

So far this April, we've celebrated Aubrey's 1st Birthday, gone to see the Met's play, almost finished up our Physical Therapy and got Ben enrolled in Pre-K for August!!

Aubrey turned 1 on April 5th!! I cant believe she's already a year old! This past year has gone by SO fast! She's growing like a weed and she's almost walking! She's taken a couple steps by herself and she's increasing her vocabulary!! Her party was this past weekend and we had a ton of people show up! She got tons of new clothes for summer and lots of toys to play with!

For a Valentine's present, I got Tim tickets to see the New York Met's at Tropicana Field for the last pre-season game of the year! It was a lot of fun and we had GREAT seats!! Eventho they lost, it was awesome to get to see them here in Florida!

Aubrey's PT is going good! We only have 1 more full week going to therapy before we start our home program! It's about time!! I'm definately ready to not have to go 2x a week every week!

Ben is officially enrolled in Pre-K for August!! I'm really excited for him, and he's not sure yet! I think once the time comes and he gets to shop for school stuff he will be more excited!

This year is going by too quick! I cant believe we're already almost 1/2 way through April! Before I know it, Ben is going to be having his 4th Birthday and starting school!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blah, blah, BLAH!!

I feel so bad for my poor baby! Aubrey started running a fever of 103 Sunday night and was very croupy and congested and feverish Monday so off to the doctor we went! The poor thing has a wicked ear infection and is now on antibiotics. She sounds and seems miserable! Hopefully when she gets up from her nap, she will be feeling alittle better!

I finally got my gDiapers yesterday! So far, I love them! I really wish we would've started cloth diapering from the get go! It would've saved us SO much money!! Oh well, now that Tim is on board we will definately be keeping up with it when we have #3!

We ordered our pics that we had done with Cari Vaughn and they should be back either today or tomorrow! I'm SO excited and cant wait to get them! I still cant believe my baby will be a year old in 6 days! I'm definately looking forward to her walking!

Well my croupy little baby just woke up so I gotta run for now!

Friday, March 19, 2010

The first day of Spring!!!

I'm so happy the weather is finally becoming nice!! I hope the cold weather is gone for good, until winter! It's time to do some gardening and then a good spring cleaning! I'm thinking about repainting the living room and maybe the kitchen too! Maybe I'll wait until Tim goes to Vegas! It would be a nice shock for him to return home too! LOL

I cant believe that my baby girl is going to be 1 in 2 weeks! WOW this year has totally flown by!! She's getting so big and I think she's finally going to start walking soon! She was getting brave at the T-ball field last night and letting go! She's finally over that crazy stomach bug and feeling alot better! Her first birthday plans are in the works and we're looking forward to her party!

Ben is doing great at T-ball! He's still pretty easily distracted, but I guess that's what to expect from a 3.5 yr old! He follows his coach around and plays in the dirt alot, but he loves being out there with all his teamates!! He had a check-up yesterday with his Allergy and Asthma dr, and everything looked good! He did say he thought he heard a small heart murmur, but it's nothing to be concerned about and it's very common in kids! It should correct itself, maybe even before we go back to the pedi for his 4 yr check up!

Our Disney trip was earlier this week! We had a blast, but the park was PACKED with people!! We didnt get to ride very many things, bc most of the wait times were over 2 hours, but Ben loved just being there and seeing all the characters and the sights! I was a little worried about how Aubrey would do, but she was great!! She got a little scared of Pirates of the Carribean, but she hardly cried and loved everything as well! It was a little cooler than we expected, but overall it was a beautiful day! We did Downtown Disney on St Patty's Day, and I think it was just as pack there as it was at Disney the previous day! We ate at a really cool restaurant called T-Rex, and both kids loved all the dinosaurs and the meteor showers! Unfortunately, our service wasnt great and we were right behind the hostess stand, there were always people gathered by our table and their kids were all over the back of our booth! Grr!! We're definately looking forward to going back and this time maybe staying 4-5 days so we can come and go and dont have to cram everything in in 1-2 days!!

I guess now it's back to reality! I have a hellish weekend coming up and I'm really looking forward to getting it over with! I worked last night, then I have to work 11p-3a tonight, then do a 16hr shift tomorrow (3p-7a) and then another 12 on Sunday! It's going to be a LONG LONG weekend for me! :( Oh well, the paycheck will be totally worth it! :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ugh! I hate this stupid stomach virus that's going around! My poor baby girl has been miserable for the past week! :( I get home this morning from work and she is covered in poop! (EWW!!) Not exactly what I want to come home to, after working 12 hours! After a bath and a bottle she was ok! I cant believe she is almost a year old already! Time has FLOWN by!!

The weather the past 2 days here has been horrible! It's done nothing but rain, rain, rain!! We could definately use some rain, but 2 days worth is alittle much! Ben was SO disappointed that his baseball game got cancelled tonight! (So was I, since he has way to much energy!!) So far, they have only gotten to play 1 of their games! I'm hoping the weather is better next week so we can go play ball!! (even though this weekend is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL!!)

Sunday needs to hurry up and get here!! We are going to the Lynard Skynard concert at the Strawberry Festival! I cant wait! Unfortunately, I have to go to work right after that, but atleast I will be awake and ready to roll! I need to upload some new pics! Unfortunately, I dont have any on my new computer! Maybe that's what I will do tomorrow!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ok, so I'm a dork! LOL

I totally forgot my log in and my password! So much for keeping up with my blog this year! Anyways, lets see what all has happened in the past couple months! ALOT!! Aubrey is now less than a month shy of being 1! Where has the time gone?! Next week, we are going to Disney! I think I may be the most excited about this! The weather here has FINALLY started to improve! Although, as I type this it is currently pouring down rain! But we are heating up finally!! I got my new car as well!! I LOVE it!! Its a Mineral Gray Durango! It's huge compared to the short-bus that I used to drive! LOL
Anyways, I need to finish lunch and take a nap before work tonight! Now that I remember my login and password, I'm hoping to continue on with my blogging!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh man what a day...

Today was a bad day all around!! It started when we were getting ready for Aubrey's weekly PT appt. Ben just had to go with and was in a horrible mood, as was Aubrey, therefore so was mommy! It's cold again!! And I slept like crap!! We get to PT and they try to charge me $25 more than my co-pay and tell me I have to take it up with the insurance company! Umm....HELLO ISNT THAT WHAT YOUR BILLING DEPT IS FOR? Anyways, PT went somewhat good! Fast forward to the meltdown at the grocery store, then the insurance company telling me we can only good to PT 60 days in a calendar year and anything over that is 100% out of pocket. Aubrey woke up from her nap totally pissed off and was pushing away and smacking me, then all of a sudden she was fine! I got to eat my dinner cold because Ben decided he wanted was I was having now, but wouldnt eat what I made for me because it had salt and pepper on it! And I'm like PMSing or just really moody for some reason! Grrr........why cant today be over with?! The only good thing today, was that my mom e-filed my tax return, eventho me and DH got into a little spurt about it! (Hello, we're getting money back!! Shouldnt that be enought?! Atleast we dont have to pay in!!)

Anyways, I am so looking forward to Friday!! I cant wait to go to dinner and then to see the Lovely Bones with Megan! I cant wait for DH to get home so I can shower and go to bed!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh what a day.........

Aubrey had a PT appt today and it's going well! Her palsy is getting better and hopefully we can get our own E-stim machine to do more therapy at home! The therapist is an hour away and I hate the interstate traffic! Not to mention there is a huge sinkhole on the eastbound side! (the way we go home!!) It took us a good 1.5 to get home taking the back roads and would have been longer if we would have stayed on the interstate and sat in the LONG line of traffic waiting to go around the stupid sinkhole! (they had 1 of 3 lanes open for 2.5 miles!)

My grandpa had/is having surgery today. It started at 12p and he's still in there! :( The last update I got was that the cancer had spread to his right kidney and they were going to have to take it! The surgeon is not optimistic that we wont be going through this again next year. I pray everything goes smooth from here on out and he pulls through ok!

Our heat is broken again! It's only the 2nd time in a week and the a/c guy that came last week fixed what he could, but said we need to have an electrician come out and replace some connector. Well it's now almost 7p and he still isnt here, but swears he's going to have it fixed tonight!! He better bc it's getting too late to go to a hotel and since it doesnt usually get this cold in FL I cant find space heaters ANYWHERE!! (we're supposed to be in the 30's again!) Ugh! The joys of homeowner-ship!

I guess I should probably figure something out for tonight, just in case he doesnt show up! :(

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The neverending cold!!

It's 32*F outside right now!! I cant wait until Friday, when our high is going to be 70*F!! I may put on a bathing suit then! lol They were talking about closing schools here yesterday because the boilers froze and there was no heat!! That's crazy! It was a crazy weekend at work this past weekend!! We had this poor girl start abrupting at 27weeks and it was her first baby! Her and baby made it out fine and were both doing good tho.

Yesterday, we finally got the rest of our bedroom furniture together and in our room! It looks completely different!! Somehow, we made it down the hall with all the furniture without waking up Aubrey! Ben was trying to help carry the dressers, which was fun eventho he almost made Tim drop one! Now that we just re-did our room, I'm kind of getting in the redecorating mode! Maybe I'll pick up some magazines today to get "inspired" and ideas!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby it's cold outside....

I must say, I'm not cut out for this weather!! But, I am a little disappointed it didnt snow! (well if it did it never made it too the ground!) It was 36*F when I got up this morning!! How come it wasnt like this on Christmas? It was in the 70's on Christmas and now it's almost freezing!! Anyway's we're supposed to have sleet today along with the ice cold rain and wind chill!

Anyway, enough about our crappy weather! Today is going to be another dull day around here! Jammies and movies until it's time for work! I hope we have a somewhat busy, but not too busy night!

I'm going to back track to Christmas now! It was a long, fun-filled day! We started off the day doing our family Christmas, then my mum, sister, and nieces came over along with both of my brothers, my SIL Julie and my new baby nephew Harper. Late afternoon is when all of Tim's family and my Dad and stepmom came. We had a ton of people here! It was a little cramped bc it looked like a toy store barfed in my living room, but I think it went pretty smooth! Here's a couple pics!

<~ This is after Santa came! Below is Ben opening his new Weedwacker just like daddy's! And then is Aubrey tearing open her new dresses, so she can go back to playing with her mailbox!

Friday, January 8, 2010

My very first blog!!

It's my very first blog and I have no clue what to say!! Let me start by saying alittle about my family! Me and DH (Tim) were married on 6.7.08 and have 2 kids, Benjamen (3) and Aubrey (9 months) and we have 2 dogs Sophie and Hercules and 1 cat Lucy! I grew up here in Central Florida and DH grew up in New Jersey! I work on the L&D floor of my local hospital and DH is a Kitchen Manager for Carrabbas. I work full time and go to school full time for my RN and eventually my CNM! I cant wait!!

This is one of my New Years Resolutions, to start a blog, and hopefully continue it! (LOL)

So lets see, what did we do today?

It was mainly a jammie day for all of us! This cold weather is not what I bargained for living in Florida!! They said we may even get some snow! How cool would that be?! It hasnt snowed here in 30 years! 2010 could prove to be a year full of all kinds of memories!!

Well, the pizza guy is late with dinner and I have 1 crabby 3 year old waiting on it!! Time to call and complain!!