Where should I start?! Yesterday, we got the "all clear" to start TTC again! Or as my OB put it, get back down to business! LOL I must say I love my OB! The pathology results were kinda what I expected, but also a little surprising as well! They showed no fetal parts, but came back normal, as in it was a fluke and not my Lupus that caused the miscarriage. I didn't get what he meant by no fetal parts, but he explained that my body had already started reabsorbing the baby after it's heart stopped beating. I'm very relieved that my lupus didn't cause the miscarriage, but I'm sad that we will probably never no either. But, we're looking forward to trying again and having a successful pregnancy!
After the good news at the DR yesterday, Aubrey started running a high fever. :( She didn't really feel warm until we were getting her ready for bed. When I checked her temp it was 102.3*F!! Not cool! So I went to bed around 10 and then Aubrey was up a little before 1a with a fever over 103*F! Yea, umm...way to go Tylenol!! You're supposed to make the temp go DOWN not UP!! So we hang out in the living room and I catch up on some shows thinking "ok, she'll be ready for bed in like an hour max"! Yea right!! We didn't fall asleep until 530a!! Then she was up at 645a, so it was now daddy duty time! My little peanut is still running a low grade fever! :( I hope it breaks soon and we can have a nice restful night!!
Although Aubrey is not feeling up to par, it hasn't stopped her from picking on her brother!! It never ceases to amaze me with the 2 of them! They can be playing so good together 1 minute and the next they're smacking each other and fighting like pitbulls!! Makes me want to rip my hair out at times! Then of course Ben will tell me he loves me and Aubrey will come give me a kiss and all is forgiven! (at least for the time being!!) I wouldn't change it for anything!
The countdown to school starting has officially begun!! T minus 13 days! I'm super nervous for Ben, but I'm also nervous at starting at a new school!! I knew my way around PSC and now I'm starting all over again! It freaks me out just a little bit, but I think it will be good!! Who knows, I may even switch back to PSC for their Nursing program, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there!
Have you ever wondered what if.....? I'm extremely happy that I chose a career in the medical field, but at the same time lately I've been wondering what if I would've gone to med school right out of high school? Or what if I would've taken my scholarships to Johnson and Wales and gone into the Culinary Field?! I know I wouldn't have my hubs and my small people, bc I doubt me the hubs would've probably never met. I definitely wouldn't change anything, but I do have those "what if" moments, especially when watching shows like Boston Med or Hell's Kitchen! I would love to move away and get a job as Mass General or the Brigham or HUP! I just don't no if I'm ready to leave FL and all my family. I hate this crappy heat and humidity, but I'm not sure how well I would fair in the snow! Well enough debbie downer crap and what ifs, now I'm just trying to find a way to convince Tim audition for Hell's Kitchen! Although, I would've loved for him to be on this past season's and had the chance at moving to London to work at the Savoy!!
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