Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New changes are coming!!

We have new changes coming in 2011!! We're expecting our 3rd baby Feb. 8, 2011!! Right now, I'm 5 weeks exactly! I'm a little nervous right now though! I dont get to go to the dr until I'm 9w2d!! I go for my first appt. July 8th! We're both really excited and cant wait to find out if we're having a boy or girl! I would LOVE to have another girl! Another boy wouldnt be so bad either tho! As long as we have a happy and healthy little baby it's all good!!

Right now, we've (or I have!) nicknamed the baby "Cletus the Fetus"! Once we find out the sex, we will start calling the baby by his or her name! :) I have a couple names picked out so far, but we havent really talked about names because Tim doesnt want to until we hear the heartbeat! For a boy, I like Coen Shea and for a girl, I like Madalyn Grace!

I'm alittle nervous about Aubrey even being 2yrs old when this little one comes along, but I think it will work out good and they will be great friends! I'm hoping to start blogging atleast 1x a week to document my pregnancy and I really want to get the book called "The Belly Book," it's a week by week pregnancy journal!

I think we're going to break the official news to everyone once I have my appt, hear/see the heartbeat and get my official due date! I'm so excited and I cant wait!! I hope the next 4 weeks go by extremely quick!!